Tuesday 4 August 2009

Swings 'n' Things

We've been having some problems getting Catriona to sleep in the early evenings. Putting her in the stroller and pushing her back & forth seems to do quite well, but its a bit cumbersome for the apartment.

We decided to get a baby swing. I spent at least an hour sweating over what to pick - a Rocker or a Swing - and which model to get. Finally got the one pictured. It's pretty cool; it plays music & lights and it has a motor to power the swing - no more pushing the stroller round the apartment!

All good in theory but would Catriona like it? So far, so good. She goes to sleep in it quite easily and likes following the lights.

She was up to the doctor again today for follow-up from last week. All's looking good although she has another couple of days on the medicine.

Well, off to have some mulligatawny soup for dinner, made by my own fair hand.

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