Tuesday 29 December 2009

Christmas in Dalat

Just back from Dalat, we all had a wonderful time. Catriona enjoyed herself and there were some cool presents for her to open.

We all had an early start on Xmas Day (4am for me & CC) so we could get to the airport on time. We had to do a bit of shopping to prepare for dinner at the villa, put up the tree and hand out presents to the kids.

The weather was absolutely perfect and the views fantastic. So we settled in to our first bottle of wine!

Following an afternoon snooze, the food arrived and we cracked open the bubbly. The food from the Sofitel Hotel was great, the turkey cooked to perfection. Post-dinner drinks were served by a roaring fire.

On Boxing Day, the boys played golf while the girls went round Dalat town. In the afternoon, we all relaxed at the villa, watching movies.

The following day, we organised a day trip. First stop was Pongour Falls, the biggest and best waterfall near Dalat. The boys went for a swim while the girls organised a picnic. Next stop was Datanla Falls. At this waterfall, they have installed a rollercoaster/bobsled that runs downhill to the waterfall. Each sled took 2 people and you were in control of the speed using a hand brake. It was great fun and there quite a few screams from the girls as we raced down the hill. I don't think I used the brakes once!

In the evening we went out for dinner and then headed to Larry's Bar in the Sofitel for a few drinks before heading back to the villa and another roaring fire.

Our flight back to Ho Chi Minh was due to leave on the 28th at 6:30pm, so we had a very lazy day round the villa.

I've put some photos up on the web here and a short video of the rollercoaster here. We did take a lot more video but I'll need some time to put it together and post on the web.

Hope you all had a great Xmas and are looking forward to New Year!
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Tuesday 22 December 2009

Nearly There...

Only two days to go! It's the usual frantic preparation, but I think we're almost there.

Anyway, just a short blog to let you know there's a new video of Catriona up on Youtube.

You can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTWkHvSIem0
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Monday 21 December 2009

Christmas is coming

Well, its been a while since I've written anything in our blog. We're just a few days away from Christmas, so getting excited now!

We're going to Dalat for three nights with a group of friends, staying in a villa we've rented. The Sofitel is catering our Xmas Day dinner - roast turkey and all the trimmings. Should be great fun!

Catriona turned 6 months at the weekend. Amazing how time flies. We visited friends of ours at FV hospital at the weekend, they've just had a baby girl, Kim. They were in a room just a few doors down from where Catriona spent her first few nights in this world.

Catriona is getting more active every day, making quite a lot of noise! She loves playing with books and we've just got he a walker. She's not big enough to move herself in the walker yet, but she much prefers being able to sit upright and watch everything going on.

I've uploaded some more photos of Catriona from the last month or so. You can see them at http://picasaweb.google.com/andrewhcmc

Seasons Greetings to all and we hope you have a great festive season. We'll be posting more once we get back from Dalat.
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