Friday 31 July 2009

Dirty Deeds...

This morning, woke up to AC/DC's 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' just as Catriona was doing some Dirty Deeds of her own in her nappy...

Forget about lullabies, the best music for getting Catriona to sleep seems to be Highway to Hell.

Spotted the pictured baby clothes on the AC/DC website - brilliant!

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Blog on the Go

Just testing that I can post to our blog from email. Cool!

Walker's snacks

Walker's been at it again. Woke up this morning to the sound of retching and found her hunched over a pile of wooden splinters.

It took us a while to find where they came from. All cupboard doors intact (except for the one she chewed a few months ago). We finally tracked it down to the wooden blinds we've yet to install on the balcony...

This is in addition to the metal bookmark (in photo) she half-ate yesterday, CC's spectacles, my headphones, Hien's shirt and a good size of the wardrobe door at the hotel in Vung Tau. What's next?

Catriona was at the doctor yesterday. We had her first check-up last week and she's fine, although she does have dry red skin patches on her head which we have ointment for. Very common, apparently, and nothing to be concerned about. But since then, one of her ears has become quite inflamed, so CC decided to see a different doctor yesterday. They say it might be an ear infection, although based on my numerous ear infections she seems remarkably untroubled by it. Better safe than sorry, so she is taking amoxycillin at the moment.

She also has yet more ointment for her outer ear. For some reason, ointment for babies have a bright colour dye in them. The one from last week for her forehead was bright red. The one for her ear is an ink-coloured black-purple. With her purple ear and red forehead, she looks as if she's been attacked by a demented graffiti artist!

CC has a company event tonight she wants to go to. Which suggests I'll maybe have to cope with Cat on my own...
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Sunday 26 July 2009

First blog

CC & I are going to try and keep a blog going to keep people up to date with what's happening in Catriona's life.

Today was an eventful one for Catriona - we took her down to the Tavern for lunch with Steve Guess, his wife Ngoc and their boys Adam and Ben.

It was CC's sister Tam's birthday tonight, so we had Catriona out for that as well.

Tomorrow we pick up her Vietnamese birth certificate - step 1 in getting all the paperwork done!